Seven things Edinburgh Napier students are SICK of hearing

Hold onto your baccy, it’s time for some social etiquette, Tarquin.


Sharing a city between four universities leads to two main things: A fantastic night out and, of course, some stupid comments. This one is for all my underrepresented Napier girlies. Justice has been served, and it has been served in the form of this article.  

1. ‘So, what do you actually study?’

Now I understand this one a bit. At Napier, we love a slightly obscure degree title. I study digital media and interaction design but for the rest of the crowd, I guess you could call it journalism. 

Don’t be fooled by my degree title with this one though, this question extends even to students with standard degrees. Yes, mechanical engineering is the same for us as it is for you.

2. ‘Oh, so did you try and get into Edinburgh first?’

Listen, not everyone wants to join the cult that is Edinburgh Uni (but yes I did…and yes, I was rejected). Whilst it has proven to be the best rejection I have ever had, it becomes no easier to respond to this frankly pompous question.

Just don’t ask people this, it’s a bit weird.

An image of the front of Craiglockhart campus.

Look how pretty she is x

3. ‘The university in Sighthill?’

Why people know about the Sighthill campus at all baffles me, but more importantly, why is it the only one they know about? Our main campus (sorry Craiglockhart, we all know it’s not really you) is Merchiston…slap bang in the middle of “skinny-scarf, linen-trouser-territory”, more commonly known as Bruntsfield/Morningside.

The Sighthill campus is home to “Engage”, where the red flag sports boys are, and I can safely say that’s the bane of all of our existences. So please don’t remind us of its presence.

4. ‘…oh.’

Ouch? This one is straight to the point but they do say, “If you’ve not got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” So well done… I think.

A photo of Bruntsfield taken from the window of the Merchiston campus.

I definitely took this photo during a lecture…  but look at the sun on the castle in the distance, how could I not?

5. ‘I didn’t expect that (Napier) from you’

Thank you? I would just love to know what these people think Napier is. Just wait until they find out our cafe doesn’t do iced matcha lattes. Despite that, it’s still a functioning, and quite standard, university.

The people who say this clearly can’t hear how bad this sounds, which is slightly painful.

A photo from the inside of the Craiglockhart campus' famous lecture theatre.

‘The Egg’ lecture theatre… just in case we wanted to have our business lectures in a spaceship.

6. ‘But you’re English?’

Ah yes, my biggest downfall. Even worse, I am not just English, but a southerner who came all this way “just” to go to Napier. And yet, I wouldn’t change a thing.

This comment, though, really shows the English bias of Uni Of, perhaps this one is not actually to do with Napier at all…

7. ‘Is that a Poly?’

No x

Poly’s haven’t existed since 1992.

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