Prepare to be humbled: These are the ickiest things Gen Z does, according to ChatGPT

I fear ChatGPT might be a boomer…

Gen X and Millennials have always loved waging a non-existent war against Gen Z on TikTok – whether it’s about how we’re allegedly trying to cancel Eminem, our sensitivity, or our inexplicable love for overpriced flavoured coffee. Now, Chat GPT, the so-called neutral AI, has decided to weigh in. But here’s the thing… I think Chat GPT might secretly be a boomer.

Looking for a supposedly unbiased opinion, I asked ChatGPT for the biggest Gen Z icks. Brace yourselves, even the robots are coming for us now.

Using ‘slay’ in everything

Okay, Chat GPT, listen. You’re going to have to pry “slay” out of my cold, dead hands before I stop using it. Slay is a mood, a vibe, and an eternal lifestyle. I don’t make the rules. I don’t think I can physically stop saying it at this point, it’s an intrinsic part of my vocabulary.

“Some people find the excessive use of “slay” to be a bit cringe, especially when it’s used in unfunny or irrelevant contexts,” says Chat GPT, who clearly has never lived through a moment worth saying “slay” for.

Treating astrology like a personality explanation

Sure, maybe blaming your indecisiveness on being a Gemini doesn’t quite cover the vast complexities of human behaviour, but who needs depth when I can blame all the problems in my life on Mercury retrograde? Accountability? Never heard of her. Let people have fun, Chat GPT.

It said: “Relying on their zodiac sign to justify their behaviour (‘I’m only moody because I’m a Cancer;) can feel like an oversimplification of complex personality traits.”

Ugh, Chat GPT, you’re suchhh a Capricorn!

Stan Twitter language

Ah yes, Chat GPT, truly a linguistic pioneer, arriving two years late to tell us that using staple terms is cringe. Groundbreaking insight, really. Next, will you be informing us that dabbing is out or that Vine is no longer a thing? The shock, the betrayal!

According to the AI: “Using terms like “wig,” “tea,” or “sis” in every conversation—especially if done by people not in on the joke—can feel forced or cringe.”

I fear you might be about two years late to this conversation, but good effort, nonetheless.

Extreme attachment to their phone

gen z icks chatgpt

Ahh, Chat GPT, so you ARE a boomer. This sounds exactly like my mum’s nagging. The way Chat GPT describes it, you’d think we were all out here live-Tweeting funeral services.

“Constantly refreshing social media, texting, or even taking calls in inappropriate settings like movie theatres or dinner parties can feel disconnected and inconsiderate.”

Look, we might be attached to our phones, but have you seen how boomers lock into theirs? They’ll be scrolling Facebook and commenting on a meme from 2014, completely oblivious to the question you’ve repeated to them twice already.

Microtrends in fashion

It said: “The rapid rise and fall of fashion microtrends driven by TikTok, like fast fashion Shein hauls or following trend cycles that last a few weeks, can feel wasteful or excessive.”

I knew that asking ChatGPT for Gen Z icks would dig up some fashion burns. I mean, it’s isn’t wrong here, but this is a problem beyond our generation. Blame capitalism, not Gen Z. TikTok microtrends change faster than you can say OOTD and before you know it, everyone’s moved on from summer’s crochet tops to dressing like it’s 2001 again. If I see one more Shein haul where people unbox 37 variations of a crop top, I will lose it. Understandable, Chat GPT.

Unboxing videos or haul content


Unboxing pink imac 💕🎀💗 OMG #appleunboxing #pinkimac #imac #asmr #appleasmr #aesthetic

♬ Kawaii Aesthetic – LoES

ChatGPT said: “Videos where people unbox luxury goods or show off huge hauls of purchases can come across as overly materialistic and wasteful.”

Well, what else are you supposed to watch when you’re procrastinating your uni work? It’s like retail therapy without the price tag. But while it’s fun in the moment, Chat GPT does have a point – there’s a fine line between enjoying a little mindless content and promoting wastefulness.

The culture of massive hauls – whether it’s luxury goods or fast fashion – isn’t just materialistic, it feeds into the cycle of consumerism. It’s easy to forget the environmental impact when you’re watching someone tear through 25 individually wrapped items from Shein.

Constantly filming everything for social media

Okay, you know what? Fair enough, Chat GPT. I’ll admit that even I have a nightmare scenario where someone films me at my most mundane – like struggling with an umbrella – and it somehow goes viral. A million views and 20,000 comments, and suddenly I’m “the umbrella girl who has no spatial awareness.” The horror.

“Whether it’s concerts, parties, or even meals, the urge to film everything can be off-putting, especially if it interrupts the moment,’ Chat GPT grumbles like my grandma discovering TikTok for the first time.

Don’t even get me started on being at a concert, vibing to your favourite artist, only to see a sea of phones blocking the stage.

Stan culture and ‘canceling’ people

“The intense devotion to celebrities (stanning) and the quickness to ‘cancel’ anyone over small missteps can feel extreme and toxic to some.”

Careful now, Chat GPT, don’t say stan culture to loud or you might just set off the Swifties… Okay, yes, the cancelling thing can sometimes get out of hand. Not everyone needs to be permanently banished to the shadow realm for a poorly timed tweet. Sometimes people grow and evolve, Chat GPT. Kind of like how you’re still learning not to sound like a grumpy grandad.

In the end, while Chat GPT gives it a valiant effort, it’s a bit like a parent trying to be a cool mom, not a regular mom. Sure, it makes a few good points (we might be attached to our phones and, okay, fast fashion is terrible), but overall, it feels like a well-meaning lecture from someone who just discovered the internet last week.

For more like these Gen Z icks according to ChatGPT and for all the latest news and drama and drops, quizzes and memes, like The Tab on Facebook

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