Six reasons that prove Marchmont is the best student area in Edinburgh

New Town? I don’t want to hear it

Yes, we may only be in week four, but those flat discussions start early. Perhaps you’re a second year already realising you hate your flatmates, or maybe you’re in third year and your friends are starting heated debates on where to live in your final year. In some of these conversations,  the idea of moving to New Town will undoubtably be floated. Before you commit to something you’ll later regret, here’s 6 reasons why Marchmont is the best student area in Edinburgh.

1. You’ll be less than 10 minutes from the Main Library

Whilst it may not initially feel like the most important consideration, uni’s hard enough without trekking 30 minutes in the wind and rain to get to the library every morning and being close to campus makes those nine ams just that little bit easier.

A New Town flat might seem like a fun idea but I can guarantee you won’t be feeling the same when you’ve got an hour-long round trip added onto your day.

Marchmont on the other hand, is an easy 10 minute stroll across the Meadows – four if you’re in a hurry. Trust me, I’ve timed it.

2. On that note – it’s a walkable distance to pretty much any of the uni campuses

Beyond George Square, you really can’t do much better than Marchmont in terms of the ease of getting to most uni campuses. 

From ECA to Peffermill, it’s located centrally enough to not be a complete nightmare to get to and from. Even if you’re unfortunate enough to study STEM and have to trek to the King’s Buildings, you only have a short bus ride to contend with.

3. The flats are beautiful

Sure, you’ll probably inherit at least one mouse as a flat pet, but just be grateful you’re not in Paris and they’re not bedbugs. Sure, you may have to sleep in two jumpers and socks throughout the winter (the draft from those single glazed windows is no joke).

But then again, you’ve made it to Edinburgh Uni so you might as well commit to the aesthetic, and those old tenement flats really are some of the most beautiful student flats you could hope to come across and live in. 

4. The café selection is unbeatable, if verging on obscene

When it comes to coffee – a staple of every Edinburgh girly’s study routine – you really can’t beat Marchmont. 

On any given day there’s upwards of 10 independent cafés from which to sip your overpriced oat flat white  and sit behind your laptop pretending to study.

Plus, you never know – the day may come when your name is in the window of Leaf and Bean and you get your coffee for free. Really, it’s an investment – #girlmath.

5. The number of students living there

Ok, here me out. Of course, there’s truly nothing worse than having to make small talk with that guy you got with in Freshers’ Week when you’re in your pyjamas just trying to run to the shops. It’s a humbling rite of passage and we’ve all been there. 

That being said, when else in your life after university will you get the opportunity to have so many friends living just minutes away? Having all of your friends (and enemies?) at a close proximity is something that you don’t appreciate until it’s gone, and for that, Marchmont’s your best bet. 

6. The Meadows

Finally, whilst it may feel like a pipe dream in the depths of the Edinburgh winter, there really is nothing better than having the Meadows on your doorstep as soon as the sun comes out and the temperature hits 15 degrees. 

It’s definitely something to keep in mind when it seems like the drizzle will never end.

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