A comprehensive guide to Edinburgh’s hottest hot girl walks

Grab a friend and a skinny scarf and head to the hills for a break from the library

One of the biggest perks of Edinburgh as a university city is the easy access to nature. While never-ending rain is not particularly conducive to exploring these spots, it’s a really good opportunity to give yourself some brain space and enjoy Edinburgh’s beauty in all its glory.

Holyrood Park

Difficulty: Easy | Distance: 4.77km | Climb: 152m | Time: One hour 

Starting it off strong with an Edinburgh classic, you can do much worse than popping on your shoes and heading to the site of the old volcano. If a vertical scramble into chilly and unforgiving winds is not the sort of self care you’re after, you can opt for easier routes along the crags or side of Arthur’s seat that will still ensure great views and a raised heart rate, with exercise and immersion in nature both proven worldwide to have a calming effect.

The Craggs <3

Have the storms rendered these paths too boggy for your adidas sambas? Fret not! The road around the park is another brilliant option that is easily adjustable in length and where the most jarring thing you may encounter is a hungover first year venturing beyond the confines of  Pollock Halls. On that note, these routes are ideal for those living in first year accommodations – you’ll certainly miss the accessibility when living further away.

The Meadows

Difficulty: Super easy | Distance: 2.25km | Climb: 0m | Time: 20 – 30 minutes

This second location is certainly often overlooked as a walking destination, but its size and location makes it perfect for a quick uni break, catch up with a friend, or weepy call to your mum (we’ve all been there).

Sunsets over the Meadows are a must

The Meadows are very flat and one of the most beautiful spots to see the seasons changing in real time, plus, if you time it right, you may get the free entertainment of fire-dance training or an intense game of quidditch or rounders.

Dean Village and Stockbridge 

Difficulty: Medium | Distance: 3.43km | Climb: 56m | Time: 45 minutes

Our next route is a tried and tested date activity which leads to one of Edinburgh’s most picturesque locations.

Having passed this gorgeous view of Dean Village and scrambled through tourists to get the obligatory bridge picture for your Instagram’s “Edi” highlights, you may find yourself a little peckish and there is no location more suited to this problem than Stockbridge.

So gorgeous at any time of the year

Filled with popular café stops you could head to anything on the high street or the popular Coffee Angel or even the famous Lannah bakery if you’re early enough and this is a perfect option to extend a successful date, alongside continuing along the waters of Leith until your pretence of interest in fantasy football or business studies begins to crumble.

The Canal/ Waters of Leith 

Difficulty: Hard | Distance: 11.24km | Climb: 44m | Time: Two hours 15 minutes

Finally, Bruntsfield’s best kept secret lies in the gorgeous Union Canal that boasts pretty parks and buildings along the way, complete autonomy over the length of your walk, and an inability to get lost!

A canal in Edi?

This walk not only provides gorgeous scenery, but gives way to a new part of Edinburgh unfamiliar to most students stuck in George Square every day.

If these walks seem too familiar and easy for the keener walkers among you, I would highly recommend taking advantage of your Young Scot cards and heading to areas such as the Pentland Hills or North Berwick. Happy walking!

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