What degree you probably study based on your favourite Nottingham bar

If you’re a regular at Raglan Road, I am running away x

Nottingham is renowned for its nightlife, and no one knows how to party quite like a Notts girl. However, some of the best bars in Nottingham tend to have specific audiences. For instance, you won’t typically see Math students sitting in the same bar as the sports science jocks, so do you fit the stereotype for some of these Nottingham bars?

The Alchemist – Chemistry

Let’s start with the more classy, chemistry-themed bar, The Alchemist. The Alchemist isn’t your classic student location, as drink prices are expensive and it’s not really a club/pub vibes: it tailors to a more sophisticated crowd. Despite this, the drinks are extremely cool and look like something straight out of a Hogwarts Potions class.

Therefore, if this is your favourite place its likely you’re a chemistry student who is still struggling with the idea that your degree isn’t all about making cool potions like these but is instead all chemical formulas and equations. Also, you can’t spell “Alchemist’ without “chemist”, so this is your favourite drink spot as it allows you to be delulu and act like the mad scientist you always dreamed you’d be.

Pit and Pendulum – Electrical engineering 

This is perhaps one of the quirkier locations in Nottingham, and quite frankly it scares me. The Pit and Pendulum has an edgy, alternative and gothic vibe. With drinks named after the deadly sins, I feel like you need to have a tough and sparky attitude to call this your favourite pub and therefore its likely you’re an electrical engineer whose listens to heavy metal to unwind with a pint of chastity.

Hockley Arts Club – English, Art, Classics, Philosophy or Sociology

Like its name suggests, this bar has a sophisticated and arty vibe, with different rooms all with their own ambience. This is the perfect place to tailor your drinks to your mood. Given that the menu offers drinks named “Love Potion” this is the kind of place you’re likely to find romantics.

Given the level of sophistication this bar has, you’re not likely to find shirt-and-tie boys here, but rather find English, art, classics, philosophy, or sociology students who are actually capable of holding conversations, have an appreciation for literature and read more than just score boards.

Raglan Road Irish bar – Sports science


Now many of you would expect me to say Bierkeller is the spot for sports science students, but actually the Irish bar is your calling. This pub is the hub for sports nights on a Wednesday: it’s got a fun atmosphere, the tunes they play are often bangers and they let you be rowdy like the Irish. It’s likely that people that go here have a desire for sport (most likely rugby) and wear their shirt and tie or Player Layer with pride.

 Slug and Lettuce – Psychology

Slug and Lettuce is the hub for cute drinks and Instagram-able photos, and is known for their 2-4-1 drinks and cocktail trees. However, being a chain, they’re everywhere and as oversubscribed as the degree group it attracts. If this is your favourite location, you’re definitely a psychology girly, because not only are psychology students everywhere like this bar, but you love to dress up and subtly drop that you’re a woman in STEM with each round.


Spoons – Medicine and healthcare

It’s cheap, cheerful and doesn’t cap you: Spoons are the ultimate heaven for all students. However, I feel there is one degree groups particularly attracted to this location, and that is medicine and healthcare. Why? Well, let’s be honest: your degree is ROUGH. The sheer hours of work you guys endure mean you need to simply drink the pain away and there’s no better place to do it than the budget friendly and non-judgemental humble Wetherspoons.

Sheaves – Engineering (non-electrical)

Engineering is an extremely male dominated course and therefore I reckon most students at Lenton’s very own The Three Wheatsheaves, a very male orientated pub, tend to be engineering students. Not only does Sheaves offer cheap pints to help relax after the full 9-5 days, but you can also grab dinner at the burger van since you engineering students never have time to cook.

Ye old trip to Jerusalem – History

I think this one needs no explanation: if this is your favourite pub you’re definitely a history nerd who appreciates the old things in life and preserving the past, as Ye Olde Trip famously declares itself as the oldest inn in England (along with about three other Nottingham pubs).

With authentic-looking interiors, this place offers pints along with servings of stew, making it the ideal hub for history students. The students go here not only to rave about the past and probably imagine they lived in it with their favourite show being Blackadder, but they are most likely to be part of the medieval combat society and probably have English Heritage and National Trust memberships

The Sir John Borlase Warren – Physics

If you go to this pub often, you probably study a degree that’s equally as boring and bland as its atmosphere, and you find it hard to both interact and socialise like a normal human being. Located not too far from Rock City or the Irish Pub, you would think this place would have some popularity. Wrong. This pub is one for the creepy locals and not a place I would imagine social and bubbly students to go.

Given its odd vibe, I believe the students that go here must match this: they probably prefer a quieter scene, don’t enjoy busy atmospheres, and engage in complex conversation rather than drunk pub talk leading to one degree – physics. This is the type of pub where these students can geek out freely as no one other than the locals will be there to judge and they can still technically say they have had a night on the town.

 The Bodega – Music, media and theatre


The Bodega is a very creative space, but we do see the same people there time and time again. The bar offers alternative events like gigs for undiscovered for singers, bands, to club nights,  so we can already picture the crowd’s aesthetic.

If you regularly go to The Bodega, you’re for sure into the indie scene and expressing yourself creatively in your spare time, which leaves us with the music, media and theatre students who appreciate new talent and trying new things.

This bar suits these degree types as they can express their selves more freely here and avoid the horrors of ocean and its repetitive playlists.  The bodega offers a more niche and chill type of music for this more creative and mature crowd and offers the perfect outside area for them to bond over vapes and other substances this group are most likely to be more trying of.

Penny Lane- Economics and business

I feel like this bar is for people with a completive edge and for some reason this makes me think of business and economic students. Not only do you guys have a desire to make money, but you can also appreciate the finer things in life, like Penny Lane. The cocktails are moderately priced with 2-4—1 during the week, but they have an edge over the basic Slug and Lettuce drinks and the bar in itself gives you the option to get competitive. Lord Sugar would approve.

Magic Garden – Environmental science, biology or geography


Its cute, small and garden themed- need I say more. If this quirky little cocktail spot is your calling, then you study environmental science, biology or geography and are plant mums who rave about your reusable deodorant sticks. Why? Well This pub is for a more quite and shy crowd, whilst it is situated in town you wouldn’t think it, as  its interior create a sanctuary making you forget about the pollution of Nottingham city.

Also, With drinks named “I am froot” and all having a fruity concoction and twist of some sort I think this bar will attract as equally sweet people. Leading me to the environmental category, as not only do these students actually care about the environment and probably own shares in the WWE, but they also the most accepting and kind hearted.

Revolution – Liberal arts

Like Slug and Lettuce, Revs is a staple. With their iconic photobooth and the bangers playing all night, this place is a hub for many students. I feel like the vibe of Revs means you can either have a chilled night or take it to an extreme and dance the night away as if you were getting feral in a club, and due to the diversity of Revs I feel like the bar is tailored for Liberal Art students, who like to have options and can’t commit to one thing.

Bunk – Foreign languages, International relations and communications

Let’s be honest, the wings from Bunk should be known worldwide. Bunk is one of the best places to exist in Nottingham, from a cosy lounge vibe this place has soft tones for an intimate scene, and comes with delicious food to soak up the drinks as you go. I’d say based on the vibe alone this place is less basic than Revs and Slug and Lettuce, meaning I think it tailors to more niche degree groups like foreign languages or international relations and communications.

Rose and Crown – Maths and finance

The Rose and Crown is perhaps one of the Lenton trifecta, alongside Sheaves and The White Hart. This pub is essential and so is the subject maths. From experience, I know this pub is loved by maths and finance students, as  it offers a more chill vibe than Sheaves allowing you to relax after a long day of crunching numbers.


White Hart – Biochemistry


This pub offers a sanctuary for many students, however its likely to the favourite of biochemists for two reasons, the first is that its close to the hospital where labs are and the second is cheapness of it, which mean we can drink away the sorrows after realising we are being replaced by machines and this degree is a lie (this coming from a graduated biochemist).

Additionally, the layout of the white heart allows you to perfectly interact, with large tables and an abundance of options both inside and outside there is plenty of space to group. Also, unlike sheaves its not as loud meaning you can gossip and slate your degree without having to lose voice doing so.

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