string(7) "lincoln"

Clubbers of the Week: Seek plenty this week 20

Or don’t…

Dry Jan has ended so you can dump those dry gins, dry ciders and dry whites and replace it with a very promising 12inch Stein. If you had successfully undergone Dry Jan though, feel free to boast about it to anyone you can get the jump on. Moving forward in life we must always take time to look into the past however. Easing into the past week, we have entries from multiple clubs across Lincoln. So as always, gently roll on the weekend.

Album of the week

A renaissance painting

Runners up

A glimpse of the maestro himself

POV of me stood on my 20 foot clubbers of the week spectating throne

Hero/Heroine of the week

Overprotective girlfriend or overdressed king?

Runners up

Me punching whoever compliments my clubbers of the week too far. Yes this is how I punch

Creeper of the week

Phwoar back up charva

Runners up

An over zealous creeper of the week

… I’m gonna put him in the creeper for this one. Just one for me.

WTF of the week

SuperBull? Get that man on the Chiefs defensive line

Runners up

Get younger people on the bottom floor to decrease the average age to 83

Stunners of the week

Amelia you owe me a drink…

Runners up

Been there mate (minus the drink)

Sharing a flat in Magaluf for a week with each other would destroy this friendship group

Photo credits: Patrick Axe @ Axholme Media Productions

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