These are the worst Lincoln student dating app fails this Valentines Day

You text your mother with those thumbs?

With the excitement of the New Year over, and Valentine’s Day just over the horizon those of us who are still painfully single are surely starting to feel a little bleak. And there to guide many students through these dark days are the old reliable — dating apps. For most however, these sites are like traversing dangerous and unmarked territory where one wrong move could leave you sat across from The Date From Hell, looking for any excuse to get out of there. At least it’ll give the group chat some entertainment. 

If you’re tired of the tedious swiping left and right over, and over, and over… take a break with some of these abysmal attempts to score a date for the all important day.

Starting off strong. At least buy me dinner first, where’s the creativity in this city?

Because if courts’ painted brick walls isn’t enough to make it feel like a prison cell, you can always try some handcuffs.

Whatever makes you happy, dude… not quite sure what the appropriate response to this would be.

A masterpiece in its own right; the execution, the confidence, the emojis… it’s enough to make a grown woman weep (with disgust).

If I had a penny for all the comments I’ve had on my height, I’d be rich. “Because apparently it matters!”

Honestly not even the worst pick-up line I’ve heard, the emoji makes this so much worse than it needed to be, though.

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