I went to Glasgow University Union’s Saltburn-themed Hive and it was pure good vibes

An alternate version of the film where Oliver opted for a pint of fun

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you have probably seen Saltburn by now. If you’re anything like me, you are likely torn between wanting to attend a crazy party at a manor and hoping you never in your life meet anyone like the characters in that film.

So, when Saltburn Hive was announced it felt foolish not to go. Although GUU may not seem similar to Saltburn, after a couple of pints of fun you would never know the difference. 

There was no dress code for this event, but that didn’t stop people from displaying some wonderful outfits and headgear. Me and my friends opted to wear light-up flower headbands thinking we had gone above and beyond, but we were immediately shown up by other people in the queue.

There were a lot of fur, lace and animal costume pieces flying about and everyone looked amazing. There were also a few themed socials that showed up, but unfortunately, I was a drink too deep to remember what they were.

We started the night with a couple of cocktails in my flat while watching Saltburn in the background to get in the spirit. Once we were all feeling appropriately tipsy, we headed to the GUU just before 11.

Our first stop was Beer Bar to get a few drinks and we were instantly hit with some great tunes to get us in the zone – Murder on the Dancefloor was of course a collective fave.

Once a song we didn’t know every single lyric to came on, we popped out to the smoking area where we found an alarming amount of people willing to drink their bestie’s bath water…

With discomfort in the air, we thought this would be the perfect time to head into Hive. 

Hive unfortunately did not live up to Beer Bar’s tunes but the vibes were definitely matched, everyone was dancing and singing, even the bar staff! It was clear everyone was just having the best time.

The DJ did get some hits in such as Baseline Junkie by Dizzie Rascal and 22 by Taylor Swift which the whole of Hive was singing along to in drunken unison.  

All in all, this was a great night, so great that we even stayed until lights up (apologies to the cleaning staff).

We ended up taking a drunken venture around the streets as we did not want the night to end, before forming a cute one-room afters which is always the best end to a night out in my opinion. 

Saltburn Hive has definitely inspired me to attend more union events this year and even made me regret not going to a Hive Thursday in the first semester. 

To whoever thought up this Hive, thank you, it was truly an amazing time and I am glad to add it to my short list of successful nights in GUU. 

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