Grab your tissues: Birmingham makes the list of the top 10 worst cities for Freshers’ Flu

There’s another local city on the list too

New research has ranked Birmingham in the top 10 cities most affected by Freshers’ Flu., a personal injury expert, undertook the research, which involved analysing Google Keyword Planner data on over 2,400 phrases connected to the flu and cold for every UK city between 2021 and 2023.

According to Exeter Today, the study looked at average monthly searches in September and October in order to identify the cities most impacted by the Freshers’ Flu.

After comparing these findings to each city’s population, it ranked the results from highest to lowest to identify the flu hotspots for students.

Birmingham was ranked ninth in the ranking with 6,783 average monthly searches per 100,000 people for phrases relating to the cold and flu.

The top university city in the ranking is no stranger to first place as Oxford got the top spot with 9,580 cold-and-flu-related searches.

There was also a fellow West Midlands university city on the list with Worcester clinching the 10th spot with 6,688 searches.

A spokesperson for said: “With summer coming to an end, the days becoming chillier, and school starting again, illnesses are bound to make an unwelcome return. While this happens every year, it is amplified in both large and small university hubs, as high numbers of students converge on their campuses all at once, making it almost impossible to avoid catching a cold or the flu.

“The data highlights the cities where the infamous freshers’ flu is most prevalent, and it’s no coincidence that the top 10 are all well-known university cities. It’s advisable for both parents and students to be extra cautious, to be prepared for anything by packing warmer clothes, and to ensure that medicines are readily available at all times.”

Featured image via Pexels

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