Students march in solidarity with Palestine on University of York campus

Students protested against the university’s research ties with weapon manufacturers

A pro-Palestine rally took place on West campus at the University of York on Wednesday 2nd of October.

Students involved in the rally, who marched from Heslington Hall to Greg’s place, demanded the university completely cut research ties with companies supplying Israel and funding weapon manufacturing.

Amna*, a student who attended the rally, explained why she attended the protest against the University of York’s ties to companies involved in the situation between Israel and Palestine. She told York Vision: “They [the university] still maintain deep research ties and complicity with arms companies and with genocide in Palestine.

“We are not fooled by their claims of divestment.

“There are still deep, deep ties at almost every level of this university and we don’t stop until they have fully divested.”

The protestors chanted and said: “Uni of York blood on your hands.”

Walkout in support of Palestine in May this year

Amna went on to explain that the university has continued to invite weapons manufacturers to the 2024 Careers Fair.

Another student at the rally, Joe*, said: “It was amazing to see so many freshers and support for Palestine and Lebanon.

“It’s a good sign that student activism for Palestine at York is thriving and will continue to do so.

“Hopefully students will also fight for the DRC [Dominican Republic of the Congo], Kashmir, Haiti, and other countries that are being subjected to genocide and occupation.”

The rally on Wednesday wasn’t the first time students have taken active measures to challenge the university’s stance on Palestine, with numerous walkouts, marches and encampments taking place since the conflict made international news almost a year ago on the 7th October 2023.

Student march in May earlier this year

The protest yesterday called for change, despite the University of York having released a statement in April 2024, announcing its withdrawal from “companies that primarily make or sell weapons and defence-related products or services”.

In response to the rally, a spokesperson for the university said: “We will always respect the right of our students and staff to peacefully protest within the law.

“Our new Research Reputation and Social Responsibility Framework ensures all research collaborations comply with government legislation, as well as our ethical, reputational and social responsibilities. It enshrines academic freedom as a fundamental principle, which is also an obligation under law.

“As a university we must uphold academic freedom, even if other members of our community object to the research some academics do, or the partnerships they build in doing it.”

Information and promotion for the campus rally can be found on the University’s Palestinian Solidarity Society and the York Palestine Solidarity Encampment Instagram pages.

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