A brand deal on the cards already?! Plus THREE couples are swamped with split rumours

The show might have finished, but the drama has only just begun

Welcome to The Tab’s Love Island 2023 gossip round-up, bringing you the pettiest drama, most scandalous rumours and the least believable tabloid exclusives from around the web.

Jessie has moved to the UK!

The latest Love Island 2023 gossip and news

via Instagram @farmer_will_

It’s official: Jessie is moving to the UK to work on Will’s farm! I’m obsessed. Speaking to the MailOnline, Will said: “Jessie is moving to the farm for the next month or two and she will be doing lambing and all of that, which I’m super, super excited about. When she visited for the first time this week, I gave her some wellies and she was getting really stuck in and feeding the animals, it made me fall in love with her even more.”

The pair have been sharing loads of videos of Jessie getting stuck into countryside life, and tbh, I’m loving every single second of it.

Is a brand deal on the cards already?!

Olivia has hinted she could be working on a brand deal, sharing stuff from Lullabellz on her Instagram story.

The hair brand posted a vote asking followers who would be their “dream ambassador” from the Love Island 2023 cast, out of Samie, Tanya, Lana and Olivia. Olivia reposted the vote on her story, obviously hoping to bag herself some votes. You have to respect the grind.

A few of the cast haven’t followed each other on Instagram, and feuds are emerging!

The reunion episode is this weekend, and ex-Islanders have said it’s going to be filled with drama. Part of this drama will definitely be addressing that multiple Islanders have been shady and are cherry-picking who they do and don’t follow on Instagram.

Notably, Casey has refused to follow Cynthia, who he cracked on with in Casa Amor, and Jessie doesn’t follow Tanya – who famously called her a game player whilst they were in the villa. Juicy!

The latest Love Island 2023 gossip and news

via ITV

Will and Jessie say they’ve ‘barely left the bedroom’ since being home

Grab your sick buckets! Will and Jessie have said they’ve “barely left the bedroom” and “sex is a million times better” outside the villa. Jessie told the MailOnline: “It’s 100 times better now we’re out the villa. It is a million times better, I’ll tell you that much.”

Look, I’m happy for them, but I could have lived my life without that information.

Tom’s back to his day job!

Before entering the villa, Tom was a pro-footballer, and he’ll join his team Macclesfield FC on the pitch on Saturday. Good luck!

Ron and Lana are ‘on the verge of splitting up’ following their row on the plane home

Yesterday, it was reported Ron and Lana had a huge argument on the plane home from South Africa, with an onlooker saying it was so bad people from Love Island production had to step in. The couple then travelled home from the airport separately and spent their first night back at home, apart.

It’s been reported they are now “on the rocks” and “on the verge of splitting up” following the row.

via ITV

Love Island bosses caught ‘multiple’ sex abusers trying to join cast this year

It’s been reported Love Island blocked over 50 wannabe Islanders this year, over fears of sexual misconduct. Love Island has a robust vetting process in place, where it checks the histories of people wanting to be on the show, to keep fellow Islanders safe.

According to The Sun, ITV scoured the Disclosure and Barring Service records of would-be Islanders in the application process. A casting source said: “If there are any troublesome discoveries they’re straight out. There were at least 50 examples this year.”

Rosie and Casey are already spending time apart

Rosie and Casey left the villa together, but he’s confirmed they’re already spending time apart, which has obviously caused people to question how serious their relationship is. “We’re both just spending time with families at the moment,” Casey said in an Instagram Q&A, after confirming they flew home together but then went their separate ways.

AND Olivia and Maxwell are surrounded by split rumours

The latest Love Island 2023 gossip and news

via Instagram @livhawkinss

A third couple are also being swamped with split rumours: Olivia and Maxwell! They were dumped straight after going official at the Love Island Beach Club, but already people think it could be curtains for them.

This is all based on them attending a string of events apart since their villa exit. In the last week, Olivia was at Capital Xtra and then attended a football match, at the same time Maxwell was out at an event for the Big Weekend launch party, with fellow Islanders Martin Akinola and Jordan Odofin. Olivia also attended a film premier on her own, whilst Maxwell was nowhere to be seen.


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