Hot Rich Girl Era

Rich hot girl era: The toxic TikTok trend ripping joy away from everyone one treat at a time

‘What about happiness?’

In the age of the cost of living crisis, repeatedly, online trends are becoming aspirational. We want to be rich. We want to be hot. We want to channel Sofia Richie, have quiet luxury wardrobes, and shop at M&S. And, in light of our dreams of Made in Chelsea lifestyles while we sit monging out in our pyjamas at home, TikTok influencers are increasingly offering tips and tricks to enter your rich hot girl era. Because, apparently, it’s that easy to be a millionaire.

Ok, so what is rich hot girl era?

Entering your rich hot girl era is essentially about building your dream life, having loads of expensive clothes, a big house, and everything you ever wanted. Hot rich girlies on TikTok are basically a new evolution of the girl boss, preaching advice to their followers about “seeing money opportunities everywhere” and building an “affluence mindset”.

Essentially, its money manifestation with a side of serious hustling.


How to enter your ✨RICH GIRL ERA✨ #richgirlera #dreamlife #girl #richgirl #howtobecomesuccessful #successtalks

♬ original sound – Christina

How do you enter your rich hot girl era?

To sum it up, to enter your rich hot girl era you need to be fairly miserable. “I’ve decided that I’m entering my hot rich girl era as of yesterday,” said one TikTok user. “I’m going to approach every situation with two questions: Will it make me richer or hotter? If the answer is no, to either of those questions, I simply don’t do it.”


Rich hot girl era coming at ya! 😀 #hotgirlera #richgirlvibes #richgirlera #hotrichgirlera

♬ original sound – SCOUT || KETTLEBELL COACH

This is all very well and good. But think about what that actually means for your lifestyle. Can you get a 3pm packet of cookies as a treat? No. Can you go to the pub with your friends one spontaneous afternoon? No. Can you go to the cinema? No. For pizza? No. Pay your rent? No! Experience joy? Absolutely not.

As one TikTok user put it: “What about happiness? Can’t we change it to richer, hotter, or happier?”

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