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what to pack for Glastonbury festival

Exactly what to pack for your first time at Glastonbury, from festival veterans who know

PSA: Vapes are banned

This is not a drill. Glasto is happening in under a week. Bags need to be packed, booze needs to be bought and serious amount of suncream needs to be applied. And, if it’s your first year at the UK’s biggest and most notorious festival, this prep can be more than a little overwhelming. You’re shaking and clutching a bucket hat, be honest.

But it’s okay. Don’t freak out. Because we’ve asked festival veterans who’ve been at Glastonbury for decades exactly what they’re bringing to the fields of Somerset next week aside from vibey outfits. Some items on the packing list are essentials, some are to elevate your festival experience entirely. But, ultimately, they should really all go in your rucksack. End of.

Ok, so what should I actually pack for Glastonbury 2023?

The essentials  

  1. Loo roll
  2. Hand sanitiser
  3. Eye mask
  4. Ear plugs
  5. Deodorant
  6. Sleeping bag, roll mat and blankets
  7. Wellies (obv)
  8. Soap sheets to wash yourself with
  9. Water bottles (collapsable ones make things easier)
  10. Post night out snacks for sugar boosts
  11. Shit old trainers for the night time stomp
  12. Comfy clothes and layers for the night time (you will get cold)
  13. A torch
  14. Your bikini so you can shower basically anywhere with running water
  15. Sunglasses and/or a cap
  16. Bananas, dried cereal and breakfast bars to keep hanger away
  17. A camping chair (you can’t always steal other people’s)
  18. Two portable phone chargers if you want to stay online
  19. Your ID and £50-100 in cash (sometimes card machines are down)
  20. A decent sized mirror to do your makeup (hide it though, glass is banned)

The elevators 

  1. Sheet face masks for a morning pamper
  2. Facial mist (the Caudalie one is good)
  3. A hip flask for tequila shots on the go
  4. Sliced lemon, lime and orange wedges for cocktails
  5. Ella’s Kitchen fruit pouches for breakfast
  6. A handheld fan to keep cool
  7. A picnic blanket to chill on during the day
  8. A cart to carry all your camping stuff in
  9. Battery powered fairy lights to help recognise your tent
  10. An inflatable mattress
  11. Nail file and hand cream for a mid festi mani
  12. A wash bowl and a fresh flannel for every day to feel refreshed
  13. A separate waterproof bag for clean clothes
  14. Painkillers, plasters and antihistamine
  15. Suncream and an umbrella for shade once you’re burnt
  16. A real pillow instead of a rolled up hoodie to rest your head on
  17. Rehydration sachets for the day three hangover
  18. Vitamins to give your immune system some kind of chance
  19. Cute cups for your alcohol (take as much booze in as you can drink but not in glass bottles)
  20. Perfume to mask the stench of everyone else around you

And what should I absolutely not pack for Glastonbury 2023?

  1. Cans of beer, lager, etc (they’re too heavy and just get really warm)
  2. Glass (banned)
  3. Disposable vapes (banned)
  4. Gazebos (banned)
  5. Body glitter (banned)
  6. Your dog (all animals banned)
  7. Your own sound system for a spontaneous DJ sesh (banned)
  8. Fireworks, sky lanterns or flares (banned)
  9. Nos (banned)
  10. Knives (even if they’re for cooking, banned)

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