We asked AI who from Love Island 2023 will actually last and it was so savage

It’s predicted Zach and Molly will have a dramatic breakup this month!!

Now that Love Island 2023 is over, everyone is tuning straight into the lives of the couples and the Islanders outside the villa. As it stands, all the finalist couples are living their best lives, and adjusting to life in the normal world. However, The Tab asked AI whether this has longevity, and it went in pretty hard on the Love Island 2023 couples.

From predicting they’ll split just weeks after the Love Island 2023 final in dramatic circumstances, to saying they’ll probably last and wishing them all the best – AI had a lot of opinions. The Tab used Google tool Bard AI to gather some opinions, here’s what it had to say.

Will Love Island 2023 winners Jess and Sammy actually last?

Asking AI about the Love Island 2023 finalist couples

via ITV

When asked what it thinks about Love Island 2023 winners Jess and Sammy, Bard AI wished them all the best (cute) and said they have all the potential to make it work.

“It’s hard to say for sure whether Jess and Sammy will last, but there are some factors that suggest they could have a good chance,” it said. “First, they seem to be very compatible and have a strong connection. They both seem to be down-to-earth and level-headed, which could help them weather any storms that come their way.

“Additionally, they both seem to be ambitious and have their own goals and dreams, which could give them something to work towards together. Of course, there are also some challenges that they could face. For example, they will have to adjust to life outside of the Love Island villa, which can be a difficult transition for some couples. Additionally, they will have to deal with the constant scrutiny of the public eye, which can be stressful.

“Overall, I think Jess and Sammy have a good chance of making it work. They seem to be well-matched and have a strong foundation for their relationship. However, there are no guarantees, and only time will tell whether they will last. Only time will tell whether Jess and Sammy will last, but I wish them all the best.”

Whitney and Lochan have a ‘strong foundation for their relationship’

Asking AI about the Love Island 2023 finalist couples

via ITV

Similarly to Jess and Sammy, Bard AI wished Whitney and Lochan all the best following Love Island 2023. It said they are committed to one another, and have a good foundation to last in the future.

In full, it said: “Whitney and Lochan from Love Island UK season 10 were runners-up in the final. In their first interview they said they were “extremely grateful” that the public saw what they saw in each other, and that they were “excited” to spend time together in their own homes with their families.

“It is too early to say for sure whether Whitney and Lochan will stay together long-term. However, they seem to be very happy together, and they have a strong foundation for their relationship. They are both committed to making it work, and they seem to be very supportive of each other.”

Ella and Tyrique have ‘a good chance of making it work’

via ITV

Bard AI was also optimistic for third place couple, Ella and Tyrique. “I predict that Tyrique and Ella from Love Island have a good chance of making it work,” it said.

“They seem to be very compatible, and they have a strong connection. They both seem to be down-to-earth and level-headed, which could help them weather any storms that come their way. Additionally, they both seem to be ambitious and have their own goals and dreams, which could give them something to work towards together.”

Molly and Zach will have a dramatic breakup later this month!!!!

Asking AI about the Love Island 2023 finalist couples

via ITV

I think we need to strap in for Molly and Zach, as AI said they will have a dramatic split… this month! It even gave some possible reasons why, and how the news could play out.

“Zach and Molly from Love Island will break up in August 2023, just a few weeks after the show ended,” AI predicted. “There will be no public reports of a specific date or reason for the breakup, but it is likely that the relationship simply fizzled out. There were some signs that the relationship was struggling even before the breakup.”

The AI predicted Zach and Molly will become “not very active on social media together” and will “not seem to spend much time together in person”. It event hinted there may be some rumours of cheating thrown about on social media, but nothing will be confirmed.

It predicted the couple will post a brief statement about the breakup, and will give vague answers in interviews when asked about their future together before the news drops. “It is possible that Zach and Molly will reconcile in the future,” it predicted. I need to sit down!!!

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