MAFS’ Ella speaks out after partner JJ gets homophobic slurs for dating a trans woman

‘The fact he was not ashamed and proud to be with me shows how incredible he is’

Last night, Ella and JJ returned to Married at First Sight UK to much controversy – but what should not be controversial is that JJ and his sexuality stays the exact same whether he’s with Ella or with the bride the MAFS UK experts matched him with, Bianca. Trans women are women, and JJ is attracted to women. Your sexuality doesn’t change if you’re with a trans woman like Ella or a cis woman like Bianca – and to say otherwise is transphobic. To call JJ homophobic slurs for being with Ella is horrific, and she’s now spoken out defending her MAFS UK partner against idiots without the comprehension to understand it.

JJ said in a TikTok live this week: “Am I bi now? No, I see Ella as a girl. I don’t k now how many times I have to say that. The thing is everyone in the experiment saw Ella as a woman and a girl because that’s what she is.”

Writing on her Instagram story, Ella reposted JJ’s statement and said “For everyone who’s said transphobic and homophobic towards JJ for being with me. Having a guy who just sees me and accepts me for the woman I am, without caring what others say or think, is something I[ve never experienced. Being seen and treated as Ella, the girl I am, rather than a label is not something I’ve come across.

“I wasn’t a dirty secret to JJ or a fetish, and the fact he was not ashamed to walk back in with me and proud to be with me so openly shows how incredible he is as a cisgendered straight guy. JJ and the rest of the male cast hadn’t ever met a trans person before. To go onto a national television show with a transgender woman, knowing the hate he would get from narrow minded people, takes guts.

For all the latest on JJ and Ella from MAFS UK, and for the latest news, scandals, gossip and updates – like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook

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JJ from MAFS UK defends Ella from ‘transphobic’ abuse, and says he ‘sees her as a woman’

Featured image via Channel 4. 

More on: MAFS