‘I felt sick and I cried’: Laura shares how difficult it was to be reminded of last night’s MAFS

When the episode was filmed, they had to stop because production saw how much she was struggling

Last night’s episode of MAFS UK was a lot for Laura, and since then she has posted a huge statement on Instagram commenting on everything that happened.

After the episode, people on her Instagram page called out the boys for “attacking” her and “tearing her down” during the episode, which saw her stand up and say the last week had been difficult for her and Arthur, after comments about her character were made by other members of the cast.

During the episode Laura was called “patronising and condescending” by Thomas, and Laura broke down trying to defend herself as Jordan spoke over her.

“This is hard. I didn’t watch last night,” Laura began in a statement after the episode aired. “I came off my phone and I literally laid in bed cuddling my dog DREADING what was being said about me on national TV that my friends and family will see. I felt sick. I cried. A lot. Which is embarrassing to admit because I feel like you guys in my DMs are praising how ‘strong’ I am.

“What’s worse is I felt the most intense amount of anxiety to look at any social media today as I was convinced I was going to get a wave of abuse because people have believed what the guys said about me.” However, Laura said there “hasn’t been a single” negative message, and instead she has been flooded with messages of support and love.

“It’s easy to take things out of context and form a judgement,” Laura added. She said it would be easy to create an opinion of her and Arthur’s relationship when you know very little about it.

Laura has posted a statement about last night's MAFS, Married at First Sight UK 2023

via E4

She continued: “The guys who went in on a girl’s character when she wasn’t there to defend herself could probably have spent more time focussing on their own marriages. Or maybe even better yet, actually taking time to get to know their friend’s wife before going on the attack.”

She explained the comments about her wanting to make Arthur a better person were based around her wedding vows, and because that’s what she believes a healthy relationship is all about – “bringing the best out of each other.”

“That didn’t mean I felt I was better than Arthur,” Laura said. “Even now the number of guys going for one woman is uncomfortable and as you will have seen last night, my first concern was how it made Arthur feel.”

She said the retreat was a low point for her mental health, but she wanted to thank everyone for their lovely comments. Laura also posted a “huge thank you” to Arthur, for “standing up for me and our relationship”. She said: “It was incredible. You’ll probably have seen me looking quite despondent at defeated at the end of the episode when I was chatting to him, honestly I just felt so bad he had to deal with it.”

In a further Instagram post statement, Laura explained that when last night’s episode of MAFS was filmed, a member of the production team noticed how upset she was and they paused filming because it got so bad.

“I remember feeling very numb. One production member actually stopped filming me at one point because I was just really struggling to take it all in and wasn’t saying anything,” she said. “A huge thank you to the welfare team following this episode.” She thanked a member of the team who “held her hand” and supported her, as well as co-star Sean for having her back.

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