Edinburgh University students Clubbers of the Week: Praying for heaven after Week Seven

How do you all still not know how to pose for a picture?

The spring sun is finally starting to make an appearance, so where else to celebrate but the dark depths of Cowgate?

Stunner of the Week


The smile, the pose, the fit and the drink: yes yes yes

Runners Up:

This is just CotW-bait but I’m falling for it <3

THIS is what Easter is all about

Looking good in Hive lighting is an outrageously powerful flex

Stunners deserve love too xoxo

Creeper of the Week


Valid reaction from this lady because what is this?

Runners Up:

Born in the wrong generation x

Put your tongue away pls

Who let you out of your cage?

Hero of the Week


I don’t want to see any of your search histories but I can respect the shirts

Runners Up:

Unfortunately all I can think of is the stench after a few hours in Subway wearing cosy fleeces

Hot x

This man has his priorities straight

Heroine of the Week


Girly you’re obsessed

Runners Up:

I bet you nailed that note

The second best way to spend your birthday (after Hive)

I am OBSESSED with all of your outfits – I need that jacket

Wanker of the Week



Runners Up:

You are everything that is wrong with this world

This just reminds me of the gummy bear adverts – you’re so tooty fruity


These photos make me so disappointed every single week

Unhappy Clubbers of the Week


Valid reaction to knowing you can’t escape Clubbers of the Week

Runners Up:

How every guy looks when they go in for a kiss

This is the most awkward hug I’ve ever had the misfortune to witness

Meant to be a candid lad

Unrequited love always hurts

Best of the Rest

Should I call someone? Are you okay?

You’d definitely shout at me for crossing the road without waiting for the lights but you still kinda ate

You’re not in Euphoria, chill

The jawline that can kill

put that away

put that away

I fear for my life every day living so close to Hive

Photographer Credits:

David Stewart: Subway Cowgate

Thomas Image Photography: The Hive Nightclub

Kealan Bond: Why Not Nightclub

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