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Who are the candidates running for election at the Cambridge Union?

Voting opens Thursday 7th March after the weekly debate

Voting for the elections for Michaelmas Standing Committee and the Cambridge Union will open on Thursday 7th March at 9.30pm. Voting will close at 7pm on Saturday 9th March.

The positions available are President, Debates Officer, Speakers Officer, Equalities Officer, and Social Events Officer. Four of the five elections are uncontested (with the exception of RON).

Running for President is Alessio D’Angelo, who is currently Speakers Officer for Lent 2024.

D’Angelo says: “I’m privileged to have met a great group of people since joining the union. I hope to continue the hard work of previous committees and deliver on access as well as expanding state school outreach. I want to make our alumni relations more robust, providing opportunities for members but also helping to make the union’s financial situation less dire”.

D’Angelo has been nominated by Jessica Spearman, Equalities Elect, and has been endorsed by Felix Esche, Louis Davidson, Debates and Speakers Elect officers respectively, Martha Dacombe (CULC C0-Chair), and Christopher George, (president of the Cambridge Union in Lent term 2023).

Image credit: @alessio4pres on Instagram

Alex Mitchell is running for Speakers Officer, Penelope Slater is running for Social Events Officer, while current Equalities officer Anoushka Kale is running  for Debates Officer: all of which are uncontested races.

The only contested election is for the position of Equalities Officer. Both Karina Reed and Damsith Wimalasena.

Reed pledges to make the Union “a more inclusive place and dismantle obstacles to participation” and ensure that “a welcoming Union is the only one”.

Image credit: @karina4equalities on Instagram

Wimalasena is “committed to ensuring a respectful and inclusive environment at the Union” and wants to make the Union a “welcoming space for all members”.

Image credit: @damsith4equalities on Instagram

Voting will be open for members soon, and close on Saturday at 7pm.

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