MAFS Australia Jack pictures

Omg, resurfaced pictures of Jack from MAFS Australia have emerged and he looks so emo

I’m actually screaming

Guys stop whatever you’re doing and come look at these hilarious old resurfaced pictures of MAFS Australia groom Jack. While he’s known on the show now for his long man-bun, and burly muscles he used to look insanely different and the pictures are really hilarious.

The photos were found on his old StarNow account and show him wearing some of the most early 2000s outfits I’ve ever seen.

The soul patch is killing me

Via StarNow

He always had his smirk down to an absolute tee.

The straight hair is not a look

Via StarNow

The bent knees pose, the leather bracelet and turned-up jean cuffs, it’s genuinely like a time capsule photo. I feel like Jack would say really mean things about his younger self now tbh.


MAFS Australia Jack pictures

Via StarNow

I’m envisioning Jack’s mum taking these pictures in the bathroom. The hat, eyeliner and loose scarf are quite literally some of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. And the fact the jean pockets are obviously so shallow so all he can fit into the pocket is the tips of his fingers? Someone, please find a way to get him to react to these pictures.

I can’t go on any longer it’s too funny

MAFS Australia Jack pictures

Via StarNow

The angle and hat are just taking me out, someone needs to humble MAFS Australia groom Jack for these pictures asap.

For all the latest MAFS Australia 2024 cast news and gossip on Jack and his resurfaced pictures, like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook.

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Featured image via StarNow and Channel Nine

More on: MAFS