Omg, two Love Island All Stars Islanders were so ill ITV had to send in emergency medics

‘They were bedbound’

Molly has revealed on a new podcast appearance since leaving the villa that two Love Island All Stars cast got so ill, literally bed bound sick, that the producers had to send in medics to help them out. The two fell ill with a virus.

Speaking to ex-Goggleboxers Lisa and her son Joe Baggs on the Not My Bagg podcast, Molly Smith told the two that Arabella Chi and Sophie Piper got so poorly at one point with a mysterious virus that they had to get checked out. “We didn’t know what it was,” she said.

When Joe asked about it further, Molly explained “We try to push through but there was one time that Arabella was really ill and she ended up having to go to bed and the medic was there. Then Sophie got really ill, like bedbound.”

Molly and Tom have been doing the rounds on podcasts since they left the villa. Molly also said Georgia said something that didn’t get aired, saying “[Georgia] did say one thing to us as well that I don’t think got aired.

“After Tom had done his to us [the Heart Rate Challenge], and when he left, she shouted across me to Arabella [Chi], and was like ‘oh he put his hand on my chest or my neck or whatever… I wonder how he knew how to do that…'”

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