Tori claims MAFS Australia producers have ‘done her dirty’ by making her look ‘submissive’

Tori says she’s ‘not a victim’ in her relationship with Jack

MAFS Australia bride Tori has slammed the producers of the show over how her scenes with Jack have been edited. During the first dinner party, Jack is trying to explain the allegations that he had dumped his ex in order to appear on the show, with Tori remaining mainly silent throughout.

When she did finally speak up all the MAFS Australia bride Tori said was that she’s “absolutely happy. I don’t trust easily, but I think at some point there is an element of trusting.”

Tori has now claimed the majority of her comments were edited out and that she was “disappointed” in the producers who had “done her dirty.”

In an interview with Yahoo Lifestyle she explained: “I addressed the table that night and I was very clear on my stance regarding that article and they just cut all of it out and made me look like I was a damsel in distress. It was really disappointing to kind of figure out the angle that they’re going with is just not an accurate depiction whatsoever.

“I feel like I come across quite silenced and quite uncomfortable and quite submissive in a way of not being able to speak up, and that’s not me at all. I am not afraid to speak up, I am quite outspoken and happy to share any thoughts.”

Tori continued: “I’m not a victim. I’m not this helpless, poor sod that needs the nation to stand behind me. I’m great, I’m fine. We’re just getting done real dirty with how they’re showing it on TV, and it’s really disappointing. But it is what it is, you know, it’s TV and I signed up for it.”

For all the latest MAFS Australia 2024 cast news and gossip on Jack and his resurfaced pictures, like The Holy Church of MAFS on Facebook.

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Featured image via Channel Nine

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