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Thousands attend London vigil held in honour of murdered trans teenager Brianna Ghey

‘If trans kids aren’t safe, then neither are you’

The Bristol Tab’s Clubber of the Week

Hopefully the hangovers weren’t too bad for those of you who stopped drinking for an entire month

Natasha Abrahart’s parents appalled at ‘inadequate’ government response to student welfare petition

‘We owe it to Natasha, and to all the others who have died far too young, to make sure their deaths were not in vain’

Body of a man found on Ridge Estate in Lancaster

The body was found on the morning of February 5th

The Bristol Tab’s Clubbers of the Week

Did you fall victim to a club photographer and their ring light last week? You could be eligible for compensation

From sad b*tch to bad b*tch: The winter guide you need to get your life together

The winter months can be tough, but there are a few things that can help you to channel hot girl winter and make you feel like your best self