
Serial rapist police officer David Carrick handed life sentence for ‘brutal’ sex crimes

‘No sentence is enough for what he did’

Serial rapist and former police officer David Carrick was handed 36 life sentences for his horrendous sex crimes after appearing at Southwark Crown Court today. He will serve a minimum term of 30 years and 239 days.

The policeman pled guilty to a string of violent offences, including 24 counts of rape against 12 women over an 18 year period. You can read a full break down of his crimes and victims’ statements here.

During the sentencing, the court heard how Carrick had falsely imprisoned, assaulted, raped, urinated on and “humiliated” women who were his girlfriends, cleaners and colleagues.

Carrick used his position of power as a policeman to manipulate and intimidate his victims and even held a black hand gun to one woman’s head before he raped her.

“You took monstrous advantage,” said Judge Mrs Justice Cheema-Grubb. “You behaved as if you were untouchable… for almost two decades you were proved right.”

“There is powerful and compelling evidence of irretrievable devastation to the lives of those you abused,” the judge told the court. “Each one is traumatised…You have not expressed remorse or regret for what you have done.”

what did David Carrick do

The court also heard how Carrick attempted to kill himself while in custody, which the judge called a “self-pitying reaction” to the “shame” of his crimes.

“I’m sure you present a grave danger to women who might be persuaded to be alone with you,” she said.

“Your claim that you are unable to recall your acts of sexual violence and degradation towards women. I have to conclude this is minimisation as you are unable to accept the enormity of your actions.”

David Carrick sentencing

Protests against police impunity, organised by Women Against Rape and Women of Colour Global Women’s Strike, broke out outside Carrick’s sentencing.

“If your attacker is actually the police [and] they used their position, their power, their uniform and their gun and threatened you— who’s going to believe you?” questioned Women Against Rape’s Lisa Longstaff.

“They abuse their powers and unfortunately when they are reported, instead of being properly and thoroughly investigated and prosecuted, oftentimes they are not even sacked,” she told The Tab.

“I was too scared to go to the police because he told me he was the police,” one of Carrick’s victim’s said in their impact statement. “He was the law. I was terrified of making myself a target so I remained silent…I felt so dirty. So ashamed. My self esteem was in tatters.”

David Carrick sentencing

(Image credit: SWNS)

Carrick was finally dismissed from the police in January after a long string of complaints against him. “You have lost your liberty, job, and your status,” said Justice Cheema-Grubb in her opening statements today.

However, there are currently 1,000 Metropolitan Police officers still serving who have been accused of domestic abuse and sex offences, a review sparked by Carrick’s crimes has revealed.

“Throw the book at Carrick fine,” says protestor Lisa. “But catch the others, get the others in there because he’s one of who knows how many.” 

If you or someone you know has been affected by this story contact Refuge on their free 24/7 helpline 0808 2000 247 or contact Rape Crisis online for a free confidential chat helpline.

Featured image credit via SWNS 

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