Three years after their journey, where is the cast of Race Across The World series two now?

All of them met up for drinks in summer and now I’m crying

It’s now been three years since we were met by the iconic cast of Race Across The World series two. A new bunch of couples have started a journey across Canada in the latest episodes, but we’ll never forget the incredible people who came before them.

Series two saw the travellers try their luck getting across Latin America. Emon and Jamiul ended up winning, but the winning moments were definitely Sam blowing his and his mum’s cash on huge meals out, Jen dashing her beloved yellow coat at the end in a desperate attempt to finish, and my heart has never felt so warm as when Emon and Jamiul announced they’d been donating some of the prize fund to a charity to help children they’d seen along the way. Truly incredible television.

But, what have they all been doing since? Here’s a catchup with what all the cast members of series two of Race Across The World are up to now.

Emon and Jamiul Choudhury

Race Across The World

via BBC

Uncle and nephew Emon and Jamiul won the show, and announced they’d be donating half of the £20k prize fund to charity, after being so affected by seeing the conditions children were living in during the trek.

Emon has kept up all his charity work – running marathons and working as an ambassador. His constant efforts were recognised in 2022 when he won a regional Pride of Britain Award.

Jamiul graduated from the University of Huddersfield with a degree in architecture in 2015, before the show, and now works as an architectural designer, with his own YouTube channel. Emon has welcomed a baby with his wife since the show, his wife gave birth to a little girl called Lilliya in October 2021.

The cast of Race Across The World series two now

via Instagram @dom_slaterr

They also still hang out with Dom and Lizzie, attending TV award shows together!

Jen and Rob Lambra-Stokes

via BBC

I will never forget when Jen chucked her trusty yellow coat to the side of the road in a desperate attempt to reach the finish. Honestly, it was art. They were beaten by just 20 seconds, but came in a respectable second place – particularly impressive after such a turbulent journey.

Despite bickering like you wouldn’t believe, their dynamic was great to watch, and of course they are still happily together now. The couple welcomed twin boys, called Luca and Lyle, in December 2021.

The cast of Race Across The World series two now

via Instagram @jennalambrastokes

They’ve been on the radio a few times to talk about the show, and Jen now does wine reviews! So on brand for her. Rob, who shared a lot on the show about his life as a deaf person, now raises awareness for the deaf community in the world of TV. He’s behind Pardon?, which focuses on deaf tech and accessibility.

Jo and Sam Gardiner

via BBC

After appearing on the show, mother and son duo Jo and Sam won our hearts. They might not have won the show, but Sam blowing their cash on a huge spag bol will be one of the greatest things I’ve watched for the rest of my life. It was revealed at the end of the show that Jo’s cancer had come back, so a lot of people will probably be wondering where they are now.

They’re doing good! Jo’s health is better, and the pair have continued to travel together. Confirming this, Jo said: “We’re both good, well apart from a recent hip replacement and another recurrence of lymphoma! We did travel last year to Mexico and later to Australia. Once my treatment is over we are heading to Vietnam and Cambodia before Sam goes to Australia.”

Their trip to Mexico was filled with “caves, underwater museum, Mayan temples and obviously food and margaritas,” she added, with the trip being so they could see some of the sights they missed during Race Across The World. My heart it SO full right now.

The cast of Race Across The World series two now

via Instagram @sam_gardiner_

Jo also works as a physio, ski instructor, dog trainer and does charity work. Sam shared on Instagram a recent catch up with the rest of the Race Across The World series two cast “fam” having garden drinks together, and now I’m crying.

Dom and Lizzie Slater

via BBC

Dom and Lizzie were a great dynamic to have in the cast of series two, with the brother and sister duo saying they’d drifted apart and wanted a chance to do something special together. They overcame many obstacles in their journey, including Dom suffering from a seizure at a coach station, to end in third place.

Lizzie now lives in London and works for Influencer – an influencer marketing agency, co-founded by YouTuber, Caspar Lee. Dom now works in eCommerce, as an associate creative director.

Lizzie used to be a chalet host, and now her Instagram shares loads of pictures of her out skiing and on holidays – she and Dom recently had a family holiday in France, Dom’s been to loads of festivals and Lizzie travelled to Puglia.

The cast of Race Across The World series two now

via Instagram @dom_slaterr

The pair haven’t stopped travelling and pushing themselves, as this summer Lizzie is tackling the National Three Peaks in 24 hours challenge. It’s all for charity, raising money for PAFRAS – Positive Active for Refugees and Asylum Seekers.

Shuntelle Greenidge and Michael Greenway

The cast of Race Across The World series two now

via BBC

Shuntelle and Michael had huge drama on the show, with Micheal losing his money bag leading to them having to quit early on. They were dating at the time of filming, but it’s unclear if they’re still together.

According to LinkedIn, Shuntelle is still a project manager at KPMG – which is the job she had before Race Across The World. Michael also has the same job, working in health and safety for a building company, but has also appeared on The One Show and Gogglebox! According to his media profile, he’s now trying his hand at presenting, and has been on a dating documentary.

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