Oxford student found escort waiting in their room booked by the university

The student found a ‘woman sitting on [their] bed in a lingerie robe’ in their hotel room

An Oxford University student who was moved from their halls into a hotel due to building work found an escort waiting in their room when they arrived.

New College at The University of Oxford has booked several third-year students into hotel rooms at the Leonardo Royal Hotel Oxford due to delayed building works in their accommodation.

But one student found a “woman sitting on [their] bed in a lingerie robe” when they opened the hotel room door, they told Cherwell.

Other students staying next door to the room said they saw a man walking down the student corridor and enter the room and ten minutes later “heard them having loud sex” before he left the room. They also claimed to have seen three other people then enter and leave the room.

The student who was supposed to be staying in the room had to wait outside with their parents whilst all this was going on.

The hotel staff told the student that the woman had booked the room from 9 am until 5 pm that day, despite the whole corridor of rooms being booked for students by the college. They said the mistake was a “human admin error” and offered them to either wait until 5 five o’clock and have the room cleaned again or be moved to a different room, not in the student corridor.

Another student allegedly told the college the hotel seemed “unfazed” when they brought this up to a staff member  and “implied” that it was a regular occurrence. The hotel denied this and said they do not condone such behaviour in their hotels and always aim to be accommodating and prioritise their guests’ best comfort.

Oxford student escort

New College, Oxford

In response, the college has hired a night porter to patrol the hotel overnight.

The students are being housed in the hotel until at least the ninth week of this term as the construction of the New Gradel Quadrangles building where they were supposed to be staying has been delayed.

Initially the students were supposed to pay the same rent but after “profound apologies”, their rent was reduced by 50 per cent to £94.99 a week. The hotel is over an hour’s walk from the college but the students have been offered free bus passes into central Oxford and free breakfast and dinner.

A spokesperson for Leonardo Hotel said: “The comfort and safety of all our guests are of paramount importance to us. We are fully investigating the allegations being made and sincerely apologise for any distress that this has caused.”

A spokesperson for New College said: “The College was made aware of a situation occurring at the hotel during part of the check in process which was witnessed by one student and their parents.

“The College and hotel worked immediately and collectively to address the issue and have subsequently spoken to the student concerned. The matter was then closed and every precaution against a reoccurrence has been taken.”

Featured image before edits via Google Maps. 

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