Gypsy Rose story

From prison to her thoughts on fame: Everything Gypsy Rose has said about her story so far

‘Fame is not what I was looking for’

Since being released from prison last week, Gypsy Rose has started to share more about her story, including her regrets and how she’s changed as a person since her time in jail. Here’s everything that she’s said about her story so far.

Gypsy Rose said she doesn’t have ‘violence in her nature’

Court filings show Gypsy Rose was in the house at the time of the killing and did not take action to stop the murder, but she says that as an individual she “could never kill someone.

She said: “I don’t have that in my heart. If people knew me, they’d know that I can’t even so much just kill a fly. It’s just not in my nature to have violence.

“I think it’s very important for people to understand that I was brought to a breaking point. Me as I am, as an individual, I could never kill someone.”

She doesn’t think her mother was ‘an evil woman’

Despite everything her mother Dee Dee did to her, Gypsy Rose would tell her she was sorry if she could still speak to her today.

Gypsy said that her mother “was not an evil woman. She was not a monster. She was just a sick woman, and she would have needed a lot of mental health care. I see for who she is now, or who she was.”

But believes she’d still be being abused today

Gypsy Rose believes her story would have continued with abuse if her mother was still alive today. She explained “I think that if my mother were still here, I would still be under this abusive medical abuse that I was going through. I don’t think that there would have been an end in sight for me.”

She feels as though she fell through the cracks of the care system

Gypsy had time to reflect whilst in prison and says she now realises there were other options besides killing her mother. But she feels as though the system failed her: “I realize that there are resources and things that are put in place to protect kids from going through what I went through.

“Unfortunately I just fell through the cracks of all of it.”

Being in prison gave her a first taste of freedom

Whilst in prison she felt that she had more freedom than she had under her mother’s care. She said: “For me, getting to prison was a chance to start a life for myself in terms of gaining independence from everyone.

“Being able to just do something as simple as make friends for the first time, go out in the sun, enjoy a day with friends, socializing with other people my age. It was definitely more freedom than I had ever felt before in my life living with my mother.”

But she still appreciates the fact that she’s been let out and didn’t realise how much being in prison had restricted her. Gypsy said: “You don’t realise how much you’re restricted in prison. I felt like I was in a black-and-white world and I’d just stepped into Technicolour.”

She thinks both she and Nicholas have ‘regrets’ over their actions

Gypsy and her boyfriend at the time Nicholas were both held responsible for the murder of Dee Dee, however, Nicholas was the one who physically murdered her. Gypsy Rose was asked in regards to her story whether “it’s fair that he is incarcerated for life for killing your mum and you’re out?”

Gypsy replied saying: “Well, I’m sure that we both have a lot of regrets. All I can really say is that I did my time, and he’s doing his time for his part. And I wish him well on his journey.”

Gypsy Rose struggled with a painkiller addiction

Whilst she and Nicholas planned Dee Dee’s murder, Gypsy Rose revealed that she was high on painkillers. She explained: “This is really hard to talk about because it took me down a really dark path. But I felt like it was my only way to cope for a time.”

During her time in prison, Gypsy was able to overcome her addiction: “Now, I’m sober, I haven’t used in four years, and I don’t feel the need to.”

She’s not looking for fame

Despite gaining over 12 million followers across TikTok and Instagram in one week, Gypsy Rose says she has mixed feelings about her newfound fame: “Of course, I feel conflicted. Fame is not what I’m looking for. I always said, I think I’m infamous, and then I came out famous.

Honestly, I’m a very shy person. But I don’t think I’m doing anything anyone else wouldn’t do. I’m being myself.”

She wants others to learn from her story

Gypsy Rose says that the most important thing is that others learn from her story, and for it to be seen as “a cautionary tale so that the next person who might be in a situation like mine, they don’t take the route that I did.”

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