The Traitors cast ranked

The final ranking of everyone in the cast of The Traitors series two

If you think Harry didn’t deserve the money, don’t speak to me

The Traitors series two wrapped things up on Friday with a very intense final that saw Harry secure the win for himself. As someone firmly team Traitors after a shocking showing from the Faithfuls across the whole season – I was ecstatic. A great season of TV finished in style – and with a lot of pressure to live up to the cultural moment that was series one, season two of The Traitors proved the staying power of the best reality show on telly. And whilst Claudia is perfection, a series is only as good as its cast. With everything finished up and the dust settled, here is the cast of The Traitors series two ranked definitively from worst to best.

22. Meg

The Traitors cast ranked


The quietest player in the cast who seemingly came onto The Traitors with no gameplan, no spark, no passion, no theories, no ideas, no laughs, no nothing.

21. Ash

The Traitors cast ranked


The worst Traitor have ever traitored. Just useless. Seemed like an icon (loved when she banished Sonja and randomly told her ‘it’s been a lorra, lorra laughs’ a la Cilla Black for no reason whatsoever) but got ruined by the dreadful traitoring. Got screwed over rightly, I fear.

20. Charlie

The Traitors cast ranked


FOR BRISTOLLLLLLL! That was sweet, wasn’t it? Not much else to note but she warmed my heart there.

19. Kyra

The Traitors cast ranked


Feel like Kyra could have been a big season icon but got the boot early on because she was getting a bit too good at the game. Flew too close to the sun.

18. Sonja

The Traitors cast ranked


Why did this show consistently vote out the legendary cast members of The Traitors over the age of 50 may I PLEASE ask? I needed four weeks with Sonja being an icon. I love that she ended Ash’s game on the first ever breakfast by accusing her directly (but jokingly) of being a Traitor whilst chomping on a bit of melon. This queenie.

17. Tracey


Look, you don’t need to be the owner of Tracey’s clairvoyant powers to be able to see a future where she went home on The Traitors. If you think you’re anything supernatural, just don’t tell anyone going forward. Instant death sentence.

16. Aubrey

A cat called Luther Vandross and the sass to match, the first to be murdered caused a national outpouring of grief. Trying to imagine the extra level of iconic this series would have been if we got more Aubrey one liners zinging around that Scottish castle. Bring him back.

15. Anthony

No one was really sure what to make of Anthony, then we saw him discover who the Traitors were and he’s an absolute joy? Look at how good vibes he is in the video above? I saw someone say what producers did he piss off to get such a horrible edit in the main show and we need answers. And lowkey need justice for Anthony.

14. Andrew

The Traitors cast ranked


Not many decisions have been more stupid on this show than the one to recruit Andrew as a Traitor. This man was live by the Faithful, die by the Faithful – and being a Traitor he was NOT good at. He looked like he was moments off an stress-induced breakdown anytime he had to do any minor traitoring. Bless him. Seems like a lovely fella but just wasn’t equipped for what was needed of him. His last ditch attempt to get rid of Harry was woeful.

13. Charlotte

The Traitors cast ranked


Loud, wrong, annoying – but GREAT telly.

12. Mollie

The Traitors cast ranked


Bless Mollie. Honestly, I’ve not minced my words on how daft she played this game, but you’ve got to hand it to her: She never had her name mentioned ONCE. Truly she succeeded as a Faithful. She came second to Harry’s Traitor victory by being the best Faithful in the game in some ways, because no one ever voted to banish her and she was never really an impactful choice to be someone who needed to be murdered. Whilst the end for her was sad and she was very, very stupid in the final voting – she seems like a great girl and the final wouldn’t have been the same without her.

11. Jonny

The Traitors cast ranked


What a LOVELY man Jonny is. Just came across as such a sound guy and his banishing was genuinely really sad to watch. He got banished because everyone really liked him and they thought it was a gameplan, and the Traitors latched onto it which resulted in Harry getting super emotional about having to banish him.

10. Brian


I amnt putting Brian anywhere less than ranked within the top 10 of The Traitors cast season two. Not just because I fancy him an outrageous amount, but because his “selfish moment” meltdown was some of the most hilarious and doomed self sabotage I’ve ever witnessed. A truly spectacular fuck up. He might as well have just quit and walked out the room, poor sod.

9. Zack


Obnoxious in all the right ways, Zack rubbed people up the wrong way by the very forward and blunt way he’d share his theories and accuse people and was self-confessionally a bit of a wind-up merchant. He was a blast to watch and I was grateful for him to get as far along as he did even when he was completely off the mark.

8. Jasmine


Another one in the cast of The Traitors ranked here who was nearly always completely off the mark, but was so enjoyable to watch I didn’t care. Clever, a great communicator and just all round good vibes: If she’s got some guesses right she’d have been a force to be reckoned with and got even further.

7. Evie


A late bloomer we all decided to stan at the 11th hour because she told us about her wife. The gay agenda wins again! So sorry for saying I couldn’t tell the difference between you and Charlie for three weeks, my queen.

6. Miles


I owe Miles an apology for saying he was a boring choice for a Traitor early on when he got recruited, because Miles was a joy. Quiet, calculated and smooth – no one suspected him til he got screwed over royally with the murdering in plain sight chaos. His face when he saw Diane at the breakfast table will be one no one on this earth will forget. Picture perfect.

5. Ross


Of ‘but Ross is’ fame, Ross kicks off the top five Traitors cast ranked for the series. It wouldn’t have been the same show without him – you can’t have a secret mother and son duo without the son, after all. Made some shit mistakes as a Faithful and some even shitter ones as a Traitor, but the wink he did in the car when he broke the fourth wall will go down in sexy history as an awakening for many.

4. Paul


The kind of supervillain the MCU wishes they could come up with. It was fitting he did that big bow after getting found out for this traitoring ways, because he was a panto villain of the highest machiavellian order.

3. Jaz


Jazatha Christie himself. High key the people’s princess. Dare I say the only Faithful with a crumb of sense and who had Harry’s game sussed, but didn’t play his cards til too late. Still, Jaz was so much fun to watch over the series and always came across really likeable and charming. It’s easy to see why despite the fact he was sniffing out Traitors like a bloodhound he escaped murder time after time. Our king.

2. Harry 


A worthy winner, and those who think otherwise are truly off their rocker in my opinion. This is a show about great game playing, and Harry proved across 12 episodes he was the best at playing this game. Even when it was just blind luck (finding the shield in the underground mission by accident, pulling the sword in another), he always managed to look Faithful. This isn’t a game of right or wrong, it’s a game of good at playing or bad at playing – and whilst he played a savage game, he played a great game. Just smashed it.

1. Diane


No other cast member of The Traitors series two ranked here hit our screens with meteoric impact like Diane did. From the go, the bobbed icon was stealing the hearts of every gay man in the country who was trying their damnedest not to utter the word mother every time she came on screen. And that was BEFORE we got “But Ross is.” Died a hero’s death even after she got murdered by blagging a full episode dedicated to the sheer camp of her funeral. We buried a legend that day – but her legacy will live on. Diane ran this season without even breaking a sweat.

The Traitors UK series two is available to watch on iPlayer now. For more like this and the best music, reality TV and entertainment news, like Pop Culture Shrine on Facebook

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