All the editing blunders and staged moments in Love Is Blind season six on Netflix

It’s been messy

The editing during Love Is Blind season six has been all over the place. Despite the show’s best attempts to look as real as possible and cover up continuity errors, it’s still been a messy affair.

From staged moments, to the camera crew being spotted in the bushes – it’s been hard to watch the drama unfold without being constantly reminded that we’re watching a TV show, and a lot of the chaos is made to look that way for our entertainment. Nothing is sacred!

Here’s a rundown of all the editing errors and staged moments spotted during Love Is Blind season six on Netflix.

The show was called out for being staged in the pods

via Netflix

At the start of every season, loads of daters head to the pods to chat to potential suitors without seeing them. They are meant to chat, ask questions, and get to know one another naturally, without thinking about what they look like. However, in episode three of season six, it’s been noted these conversations might not be as “natural” as they seem.

During a date between Jimmy and Jessica, Jessica could be seen with her notepad chatting. However, the pad was full of printed out text. It doesn’t exactly look like she was taking notes or writing down prompts for her date – it was a full page of printed out sentences.

“Umm tell me why this looks like script,” one person said, talking about the moment in a Facebook group. “This is very clearly printed.” Another added: “It’s literally all scripted.”

There was also a huge editing error in the Love Is Blind season six pods

The first editing error in Love Is Blind season six was in episode four – when the pods section of the show was very well established. It came just before *that* EpiPen speech from Jessica, in the pods with Jimmy.

Love Is Blind season six editing error

via Netflix

Trevor, Johnny and Jeramey could be seen chatting in the men’s living quarters about what Trevor was going to do about the love square he seemed to have found himself in. Trevor was sat at one end of the table, Johnny at the other, and Jeramey was stood up at the counter.

The camera pans to just Trevor’s face, and you can happily see the chairs around him are empty. However, then the camera pans back out to a wider shot of the entire room, and suddenly there’s a random man sat opposite Trevor?!

Love Is Blind season six editing error

via Netflix

Who is this guy?! How did nobody notice he just magically appeared in shot?!

The Love Is Blind camera crew was hilariously spotted in the bushes

via Netflix

This one makes me chuckle every time – the Love Is Blind camera crew was just seen clear as day hanging out in the bushes. No biggie, just getting some angles!

The moment came in episode 10 of season six, as the cast headed to a bbq catch up to hash out all the drama. Some arrived in their couples, and some arrived on their own – as more of the chaos that’s been happening behind closed doors was revealed to fellow cast members.

AD arrived early to the get together, and was later joined by partner Clay, who had been at work. As Clay arrived, he went over to Jimmy to say hi, and behind them the Love Is Blind camera crew is right there in the bushes for all to see.

In the same episode drop, there was an editing error that proved a dramatic entrance wasn’t all that much of a big deal

Love Is Blind season six editing error

via Netflix

At the same get together, the girls sat down together and passed around the “scrunchie of truth” – they basically passed a hair tie around and whoever had it was allowed to spill their truths about their relationship.

Laura was given the scrunchie, and then started talking about her finding out Jeramey had been on a night out with Sarah-Ann until 5am. Then, guess who walked into the party? Jeramey of course!

Love Is Blind season six editing error

via Netflix

But, as we see the girls’ reactions to him walking in, Chelsea is wearing the scrunchie, and she’s two people on from Laura in the group. So basically, a lot of time had passed between Laura talking about Jeramey and then him walking in, it wasn’t the big dramatic entrance just as the girls were talking about him like it was made out to be.

If you rewatch this entire scene, you’ll see reactions from the girls have been chopped up and moved around countless times, as that damn scrunchie is jumping from wrist to wrist in seconds. The scrunchie of truth told nothing but lies.

All seasons of Love Is Blind are available on Netflix now. For all the latest Netflix news, drops, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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